Health & Wellness


Fenik seeks to support rural smallholder farmers in the hazard-prone Southern Region of Malawi by increasing the shelf life of homegrown fruits and vegetables

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Extending the Shelf-life of Perishables

The Fenik cooler uses sophisticated engineering on a simple concept of evaporation to increase the shelf-life of perishables. The six litre (6L) capacity cooler is entirely off the grid, relying exclusively on water for functioning.

This innovative idea based on a simple measure to improve small-scale cold chains is a first for Malawi and will provide a new opportunity to turn increased shelf-life directly and indirectly into increased income for families (both from preserving homegrown food rather than purchasing as well as providing longer time for selling surplus) as well as increase the availability of nutritious food.

Meet the team

Quang Truong
CEO & Co-Founder
Quang Truong

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