Data & Connectivity

Enabling Farm-to-Fork Transparency with Blockchain for Informed Food Choices.

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Food Trust

Founded in 2017 in San Francisco, CA, is revolutionising the food supply chain with its innovative use of blockchain technology and the Internet of Things (IoT). This technology enables unparalleled transparency and traceability from farm to fork, allowing both consumers and supply chain actors to understand the origin, journey, and handling of their food. Through, detailed information about food quality and sustainability becomes readily accessible, answering vital questions about our food's backstory. caters to a wide audience within the food supply chain, from small-scale farmers to large corporations, by facilitating the collection, sharing, and preservation of data. With its unique products like the food library and food bundle, the company seamlessly combines various technologies into a single platform that not only tracks but also tells the story of our food.'s mission is to build trust and confidence in the food supply, ensuring transparency and reliable information are at everyone's fingertips, fostering informed food choices.

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