Orange program determined to achieve a cleaner and more productive future
SparkLabs Cultiv8 is backing sustainable innovation and accelerating a group of startups in Orange's own 'Agtech Silicon Valley'.
SparkLabs Cultiv8 2023 Clean Tech Showcase & Future Food Dinner
The Showcase & Future Food Dinner is the premier event our six-month program. An afternoon dedicated to innovation, attendees explored the evolution of SparkLabs Cultiv8, the cutting-edge technologies from our 2023 cohort
Agtech Silicon Valley’ shows off new Clean Tech graduates
200 Agri-Food Tech experts descend on Orange NSW – described as ‘the Silicon Valley of agtech’ – as SparkLabs Cultiv8, Australia’s most active Agri-Food Tech accelerator, celebrates the completion of its first Clean Tech program.
How SparkLabs Cultiv8 in Orange is helping battle climate change
The latest batch of companies looking to positively address climate change have hit Orange, with a five-year project notching a major milestone.
A new era of AgTech is being ushered in as Australia faces climate pressure
Ten new start-up companies from across Australia made their way to Orange, NSW, each building technology that will help address climate change in the industry.
SparkLabs Cultiv8 launches dedicated CleanTech Accelerator
Having successfully run the first cleantech program this year, SparkLabs Cultiv8 will focus again on cleantech agri-food companies in 2024
SparkLabs is hunting for 10 startups to back in its CleanTech accelerator
Applications for SparkLabs Cultiv8’s cleantech accelerator are open for another fortnight, with space for 10 startups ready to transform the future of agri-food tech.
Sparking and cultivating ag innovations in regional Australia
In case you’re under the impression that Australia’s business and finance powerhouses are all located in either Sydney and Melbourne, think again.
SparkLabs Cultiv8 reveals 10 businesses in the 4th agri-food tech cohort
After recently being named the eighth most active agriculture and food technology accelerator globally from AgFunder, SparkLabs Cultiv8 has announced the ten businesses set to receive almost $1 million in funding on their path to revolutionising the global agriculture industry.